
Since its founding in 2018, I volunteer at TechAcademy e.V.. After co-leading the organization as an executive board member for several years, my current role as an supervisory board member is to ensure TechAcademy’s long-term viability and successful development.

TechAcademy e.V. is a student initiative at Goethe University Frankfurt training the next digital leaders. Students of any discipline get the opportunity to acquire coding skills in Data Science and Web Development programs. Students apply their acquired tech skills in projects, solving real-world problems digitally.

In addition to regular coding meetups, TechAcademy actively supports students in developing and implementing their projects through workshops, lectures, and company visits. In this way, participants gain practical experience in the tech sector while still studying and establish contact with relevant companies. TechAcademy currently provides more than 100 students per semester with the opportunity to participate in the educational program and counts more than 600 students as alumnae.

In addition, TechAcademy organizes the annual TechConference — a digitization conference with high-ranking speakers from business, politics and science.

For this voluntary engagement TechAcademy won the national award “Students of the Year 2021,” awarded jointly by the German National Association for Student Affairs (Deutsches Studentenwerk) and the German Association of University Professors and Lecturers (Deutscher Hochschulverband).


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TechConference 2022, 2021, and 2020

Newspaper Articles

Press Releases

More Information

Please find more information on TechAcademy e.V. on the organization’s website